Meet with us

- I'm talking  TO YOU! why not hosting your Retreats and Seminars here ?

Do you embark on the journey?

In a world that is made but far from finished, everything is often changing but not in flux. The hectic world and the demands placed on us often weigh heavily. Who else knows themselves? Who knows the dreams, visions and inner melody that cry out loud at our core "Please listen to me"? We firmly believe that he who loves life is loved by it. Our yoga retreat place serves a higher purpose. We cordially invite you to go in search of clues, to take a short break from the loud noise of the world and to gently glide into the silence in which the magic of your being resides.

Your true nature begins one step further from how you see yourself. When you leave Sukun for your homeland and have come just a little bit closer to your being, then that is your greatest gift to us.

Be free ! Be yourself! MAY BE!

Every moment and every inhalation, no matter how gentle, every "eye view" holds the opportunity
to mold your body, mind and current life as a prayer,
A pilgrimage where you encounter something incomparably beautiful and precious,
- to you.


you are the light of this world
your soul a free field

Your mind an instrument of love
your heart beats as if it would stay forever

You are the drop and the ocean
take your hand and follow your soul plan

unique and immeasurably beautiful,
yes you are
don't be fooled
look deep inside you
and come to rest

there you will find pure divinity
a spark of limitlessness

Believe in yourself and listen to yourself
go your way
-you are the light of the universe

(work by Sandy Sukun)
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